About Me

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I am a Christ Follower, Wife, Mother of four and Pit Crew at the dragstrip.I am also daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, friend... Like many others I do my best to be great at all and fall short very often. I enjoy working on cars w/my husband,son and dad when my little ones let me.I want to spend more time cooking with my son. Shopping with my daughter. Reading with my little wild man. Playing Barbies with my little girl. And building hot rods with my Husband. One day when things slow down I'd like to get back to drawing. For now I take every chance I get to sew, thanks to my Momms, and read.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kroger Daytona 500 Event Preview 2/13-2/26

Keep an eye out for upcoming posts on the next Kroger Event. My friend MrsPennyPincher received a catalina advertising this sale. It's looking a lot like last years Event, buy 10 mega items and get an instant savings of 3.00. This year it looks like you will get a 3.00 OYNO catalina as well.

Items like, Cheerios, Trix, Pop Tarts, Pull ups and Eggos are listed on the catalina. Keep checking back and I will update as I find out more!

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