Bounty Paper Towels 5.99
-.25 dbls PG 2-27
-.25 dbls PG 1-30
Totinos Pizza/Pizza Rolls 10/10
-1.00/5 SS 1/30, 2-13 pizza
-.40/2 dbls SS 1/30 pizza rolls
-.40/2 ecoupon Thanks SouthernSavers
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers 1.28
-.50/2 couponnetwork printable
-.50/2 Kroger Ecoupon
Hamburger Helper .97
-.75/3 GM 2-13
-.50 printable Thanks Southern Saver
-.75/3 couponnetwork printable
Downy 4.99
-1.00 PG 2-27
-.50 dbls PG 1-30
Kroger is advertising a 1.00 off digital coupon but I couldn't locate it.
Old Spice Deodorant 1.99
-1.00/2 PG 2-27, 1-30
Secret Deodorant 1.99
-.50 Kroger Ecoupon
-.50 dbls PG 2-27
-.50/2 dbls RP 1-30
General Mills 2.18
-.75 GM 2-13
-.1.00/3 GM 2-13
-.75 SS 2-6
-.1.00/2 SS 1-30
-.50 dbls SS 1-23
Progresso soup 4/5.00
-1.00/4 SS 1-16
Stouffers/Lean Cuisine 5/10
-1.00/3 AY 1-13
-1.00/2 SS 1-2
Charmin 5.99
-.25 dbls PG 2-27, 1-30
Nature Valley 2.29
-.75/2 GM 2-13
Fiber One Bars 2.29
-.40 dbls SS 1-30
Tide 5.99
-.35 dbls PG 1-30
-.50 Kroger ecoupon
Pringles 3/4.00
-.25 Kroger Ecoupon
Digiorno/lCalifornia/Kitchen Pizza 4.77
-.75 Kroger Ecoupon
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 1.99
-.50/2 dbls GM 2-13
Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls or Grands Jr Biscuits 4/5.00
-Various coupons can be found in the 12-12 SS, 1-23 SS, 1-30 SS and 2-13 GM
-There are almost always blinkies hanging around :)
Yoplait Yogurt 1.99
-Various coupons can be found in the 1-30 SS and 2-13 GM
Cascadian Farms Organic 2.49
-.75 Printable
Muir Glen Organic 2/5.00 Pasta Sauce or Salsa 2.99
-75 printable
Town House Crackers 2.49
-1.00/2 Sign up Printable
Bar S Franks 4/5.00
-1.00/2 RP 1-30
Hormel Peppperoni 10/10
-1.00/2 SS 1-23
Cascade 3.99
-.25 dbls PG 2-27
-.50 Kroger Ecoupon
Purina Dog Chow 9.99
-1.00 Kroger Ecoupon
Duracell 4ct AAor AAA 2/5.00
-.50 dbls PG 2-27
-.50 Kroger Ecoupon
Old Spice Body Wash 3.00
-1.00 Kroger Ecoupon
-1.00/2 PG 2-27
Gillette Body Wash 3.00
-2.00 PG 3-31
Venus Pro-Skin Razor 9.89
-5.00/2 PG 2-27 Must by one razor and one cartridge
-3.00 Kroger Ecoupon
Crest toothpaste 2.50
-1.00 PG 2-27
-.75 PG 2-27
Watch for updates as the week goes on:)
About Me

- JesusFreak
- I am a Christ Follower, Wife, Mother of four and Pit Crew at the dragstrip.I am also daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, friend... Like many others I do my best to be great at all and fall short very often. I enjoy working on cars w/my husband,son and dad when my little ones let me.I want to spend more time cooking with my son. Shopping with my daughter. Reading with my little wild man. Playing Barbies with my little girl. And building hot rods with my Husband. One day when things slow down I'd like to get back to drawing. For now I take every chance I get to sew, thanks to my Momms, and read.
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