About Me

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I am a Christ Follower, Wife, Mother of four and Pit Crew at the dragstrip.I am also daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, friend... Like many others I do my best to be great at all and fall short very often. I enjoy working on cars w/my husband,son and dad when my little ones let me.I want to spend more time cooking with my son. Shopping with my daughter. Reading with my little wild man. Playing Barbies with my little girl. And building hot rods with my Husband. One day when things slow down I'd like to get back to drawing. For now I take every chance I get to sew, thanks to my Momms, and read.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Timothy the Tornado!!!

Yes, It's Timmy! Hasn't he grown? Timmy just finished his first year of Awana Classes. He finished his Cubbie book and recieved many awards at the end of the year ceremony. Now every Sunday he wants to know when Cubbie Class is, that's hard to explain to a 3yr old. Um, Mrs. Patty is taking a break?
Timothy shares the responsability of saying prayers at our meals with Jay T. Man what pressure raising Godly children. Especially when you yourself are still a baby christian.
Timmy still loves his VeggieTales but when I tried to take him to see them at the Louisville Arts theater he was scared to death. I guess a tomato and cucumber that size just isn't the same. I think Timmy would be great at school this coming year but they claim we make to much money to get help (where is it then?) and it costs $140.00 a week!!!!!
I guess I'll continue to do the best I can at home til he's 5. This busy body spends his days playing stunt man off of all of my furniture. He was my first to get staples and he's had stiches already, both on his head! I think he might give me plenty of firsts. You gotta love a "Typical Boy" I need a nap!!

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